Data is stored in Azure Data Lakes in Parquet files.
Information related to tickets is stored in queue-positions-{env}-*.parquet files. The data includes, among others, customer information, bookings details, creation dates as well as identifiers that allow correlating the information with ticket events and queues.
Data schema
binary id (STRING) - ticket identifier
binary notificationType (STRING) - type of notification, possible values: applePass, webPush, email, phoneNumber, depending on customer choice
binary notificationStatus (STRING) - extra status related to notification, can be null
binary to (STRING) - customer phone number, can be null
binary from (STRING) - not relevant / not used
binary recipient (STRING) - customer email, can be null
int96 start - present on tickets that are bookings, timeslot start datetime
int96 end - present on tickets that bookings, timeslot end datetime
binary type (STRING) - ticket type, possible values: anonymous (walk-in ticket), booking (pre-booking), manual (tickets issued by staff)
binary status (STRING) - ticket status, possible values: draft (pre-booking created but not active), pending (ticket is inside queue), notified (ticket called out by staff), fulfilled (ticket checked in by the staff), completed (ticket has been served), rejected (ticket was cancelled either by customer or staff)
binary label (STRING) - assigned ticket number (A1, B2 and such)
binary queue (STRING) - queue identifier, can be used to correlate data
int96 createdAt - ticket creation datetime
int96 fulfilledAt - customer checked-in datetime
int32 retryCount - customer call out retry by staff count
Information related to queues (which reflect physical locations like departments in stores) is stored in queues-{env}-*.parquet files.
Data schema
binary title (STRING) - queue name
binary description (STRING) - queue description, can be null
binary defaultPhoneNumberCountry (STRING) - default country selected when inputting phone number
binary timeZone (STRING) - queue timezone
int32 storeCapacity - queue maximum capacity
int32 maximumStoreCapacity - not relevant/not used
binary allowEntryAboveCapacity (STRING) - not relevant/not used
binary organization (STRING) - organization name, can be used to correlate data from other sources
binary id (STRING) - queue identifier, can be used to correlate data
binary shortDisplayName (STRING) - not relevant / not used
int32 timeslotDuration - duration of timeslot for bookings
int32 timeslotCapacity - capacity of timeslot for bookings
binary phoneNumber (STRING) - not relevant/not used
Occupancy over time
Occupancy over time data is stored in occupancy-*.parquet files.
Data schema
binary environment (STRING) - not relevant/not used
binary organization (STRING) - name of organization this event belongs to
binary session (STRING) - ticket identifier for position-related events, guid for other events
binary app (STRING) - not relevant/not used
binary queueId (STRING) - queue identifier
int32 count - occupancy count at the time of event
binary type (STRING) - constant, value is positions_inside_store
int96 date - event date
binary id (STRING) - internal event id, not relevant/not used
int64 timestamp - event timestamp