New Modules
a. missing module can be removed from configuration
Image Addedb. module migration warning is shown when settings are saved for the 1st time
Image Addedc. Ability to rollback migrated device
Image AddedMobile Endpoints
- Ability to specify ui:widget: "mobileEndpointPicker" in meta-schema and show mobile endpoints picker in the installation content form
a. Ability to pick a mobile endpoint for every organization's environment
b. Ability to manually input mobile endpoint URL
Image AddedInstallation Tabs
- Installation settings release and provider fields/picker fixes
- Ability to show correct installation tabs on installation type change.
a. Windows -> show Compute devices, but NOT Managed browsers
b. WPA -> show Compute devices AND Managed browsers
c. Mobile WPA -> show only Mobile endpoints, and NOT Compute devices and Managed browsers
Image AddedImage AddedManaged Browsers
- Ability to move managed browsers
WARNING: Moving a managed browser does not move the associate Edge device. This is useful for Tizen managed browsers. Meanwhile, moving a device, currently also moves the associated managed browser. In the following weeks, we will be introducing Headless Devices. We will keep you posted and write separate page in this space for detailed information.
Image AddedImage AddedImage AddedApps Library
- Disallow duplicate app package name in organization level
Organization Files
- Files and folders under a folder should not be visible in root directory