Sub-organizations Management (Library → Organizations) a. Adding New Organization - New: * Slug is removed from the form fields, and is system generated on creation * “Queue regions” property is replaced by a generic property “Data residency”. Previous “Queue regions” value is carried over as Data residency value. * Removed Country, “Queue enabled”, “Custom overview dashboard”, “Is partner organization”, and “Parent organization ID” form fields * By default, Virtual Queues will be visible to all organizations with valid “Data residency” value * Data residency can be set to “EU”, “US”, “UAE”, or “AU” * Data residency literally means the region where the data is stored and where the cloud services are running, under the organization. It is relevant to choose correct value to have efficient response time between the client devices and the server, specially for Virtual Queues. If the organization has stores in multiple regions, create separate sub-partner organizations, and assign distinct region for each. Image Added- BEFORE: Image Added b. Editing an existing sub-partner organization - New: * Removed the ability to change slug (We will support it soon) * Removed Country, “Queue enabled”, “Custom overview dashboard”, “Is partner organization”, and “Parent organization ID” form fields as they were unnecessary. Image Added- BEFORE: Image Added c. Deleting an Organization - New: * Removed the ability to delete an organization (We will support it soon) Image Added- BEFORE: Image AddedSub-organizations Management (Installations → Virtual Queues) a. As stated in item 1.a, Virtual queues tab is automatically visible according to Data residency. If the Organization does not have Virtual queues tab enabled, contact your partner, or contact Ombori. Image AddedInstallations (Library → Installations) a. Adding New Installations - New: * Renamed “Apps” to “Installations” * Removed “Add Installation” button * If you need to create an installation, go to Library → Apps, and click install on the App you want to install. Image Added- BEFORE: Image Addedb. Deleting Installations * When installation type is screen, prevent it to be deleted when there are associated devices (or Managed browsers) under it. You need to transfer the device or remove it, before you can delete the installation. * When installation type is mobile, prevent it to be deleted when there are associated mobile endpoints. You need to delete mobile endpoints first, to delete the mobile installation. * Removed “Add Installation” button * If you need to create an installation, go to Library → Apps, and click install on the App you want to install. Image AddedApps Library (Library → Apps) - New: * “Name” or “Slug” is removed from the form fields. Slug is now system generated on install * “Display name is renamed” to “Name” Image Added- BEFORE: Image AddedInstallation Page a. Settings tab - New: * “Name” or “Slug” is removed from the form fields. Slug is visible below the installation page title. Slug is not editable at the moment. (It will be supported soon) * “Display name is renamed” to “Name” * “Type” and “Provider” fields are removed from the form as those are unnecessary
Image Added- BEFORE: Image Added