Position is one of the base type which we are using in Queue system. It includes This document outlines the structure of the "Position" object used in the Queue System. Positions, including dates, labels, language and more information that can be used. General (or walk in or A-type) tickets are first level of implementation, Bookings using the same interface but also have bookings
property in body.
id - internal ticket identifier
location - queue display name (store, department and others info)
type - ticket type, possible values: anonymous (walk-in ticket), booking (pre-booking), manual (tickets issued by staff)
priority - internal value
locale - customer preferred language (en, ar, sv)
registrationData - an array of captured information during registration process.
name - value specified in Console. Will be used for analytics
value - value of the input or selectable field
label - label presented to the customer so customer can understand what is it
type - type of the field. Might be
Code Block |
TEXTAREA = 'textarea',
INPUT = 'input',
CHECKBOX = 'checkbox',
RADIO = 'radio',
PHONE = 'phone',
EMAIL = 'email',
CATEGORY = 'category', |
placeholder - optional, for input will be used as a text for placeholder
regexp - used for customer verifion of the value. Mostly appliable for inputs
phone - if it’s phone type, phone rule validations will be used
email - if it’s email type, email rule validations will be used
notification - customer contact information
type - type of notifications that customer subscribed to (phoneNumber or email)
settings.from - not relevant/internal use
settings.to - customer phone number. Optional, won’t be presented if native notifications are enabled.
settings?.recipient - customer email (in case of email or phone notifications)
status -
'notifiedToApproach' - ticket is called to enter the location
'notifiedToLeaveSoon' - we sent sms with “It is your turn to leave soon” content
‘notifiedToLeave' - we sent a message with “It’s time to leave“ content
'remindedAboutBooking' - used for curbside pickup only. A reminder for curbisde appointment
'notifiedAboutBooking' - used for curbside pickup only. We sent at appointment time
'notifiedToReschedule' - used for curbside pickup only. Send sms if timeslot for pickup is missed.
start - timeslot start in case of bookings, local timezone
end - timeslot end in case of bookings, local timezone
displayName - display name for the manager like
"Alexey Khorev"
eventId - id in outlook calendar for the event
managerEmail - email for the manager
managerId - id from AD database
- keep information if it’s a virtual appointment or not. OptionalisEnabled
- shows if it’s a virtual appointment or not (true \ false). In case of false all other fields in virtualAppointment are omitted.eventId
- event id specified in MS Graph api. Default user for the organisation is associated with this event.url
- link to ms teams call for joiningmanagerId
- manager id from ADmanagerEmail
- manager email (if not specified, default manager for organisation will be used)
servedBy - info about the person who actually served the ticket. The point of truth in case of differences
id - id from Ombori database
email - person’s email, should be used for third parties for identification. Should be used as an identifier for third parties
firstName - name for the person, could be omitted
lastName - person’s lastName, could be omitted
displayName - full name for the person, could be omitted
status - ticket status, possible values: draft (pre-booking created but not active), pending (ticket is inside queue), notified (ticket called out by staff), fulfilled (ticket checked in by the staff), completed (ticket has been served), rejected (ticket was cancelled either by customer or staff)
- ticket should approach the entrance (“yellow state” on the screen for ticket)rejectedByCustomer
- is used for understanding if ticket was rejected by customer or not
station information
id - internal id
label - label which is shown for customers and in admin
label - assigned ticket number (A1, B2 and such)
- present information about selected category
title - how customer sees it
- what is the prefix used for this category (and for this ticket accordingly)color - with which color ticket was marked in the Console
queue - queue identifier, can be used to correlate data
createdAt - ticket creation time, ISO string
fulfilledAt - time when customer checked-in datetime, ISO string
calledAt - customer called next (by pressing call next of selecting the ticket from the list of pending tickets), ISO string
completedAt - time when ticket was moved to completed state (after ticket was fulfilled, the terminate state), ISO string
rejectedAt - time when ticket was rejected, ISO string
bookingReminderAt - if configured, when the booking reminder will be sent to customer, ISO string
activatedAt - time when ticket was activated (order pickup, the terminate state), ISO string
fulfilledBy - who actually checked the ticket in
servedById - who actually served the ticket (id in Active Directory database on in Ombori database, depends on setup)
QRCodeCheckInPositionId - value of the QR code to render to allow check-in by the staff
Info |
Changelog 23-09-2021:
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Changelog 21-04-2021:
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Changelog 22-02-2021:
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Changelog 28-01-2021:
, and additional details, are central to managing queue interactions. These include general walk-in tickets and bookings, both utilizing similar interfaces but with specific properties related to bookings.
Schema Overview
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | Internal ticket identifier. |
location | string | Queue display name, such as store or department. |
type | string | Type of ticket (e.g., 'anonymous' for walk-in, 'booking' for pre-booking, 'manual' for staff-issued). |
priority | integer | Internal priority value. |
locale | string | Customer's preferred language (e.g., 'en', 'ar', 'sv'). |
registrationData | array | Captures information during the ticket creation process. Detailed below. |
notification | object | Customer contact information for notifications. Detailed below. |
status | string | Current status of the ticket. Detailed below. |
booking | object | Information related to bookings. Detailed below. |
servedBy | object | Information about the person who served the ticket. Detailed below. |
station | object | Information about the station where the ticket was served. Detailed below. |
queue | string | Identifier for the queue. |
createdAt | datetime | ISO string indicating when the ticket was created. |
fulfilledAt | datetime | Time when customer checked in. |
calledAt | datetime | Time when customer was called next. |
completedAt | datetime | Time when the ticket moved to completed status. |
rejectedAt | datetime | Time when the ticket was rejected. |
bookingReminderAt | datetime | Time when the booking reminder will be sent, if configured. |
activatedAt | datetime | Time when the ticket was activated (e.g., for order pickup). |
fulfilledBy | string | Identifier of the staff who checked the ticket in. |
servedById | string | Identifier of the staff who served the ticket, from AD or Ombori database. |
QRCodeCheckInPositionId | string | Value of the QR code for staff to allow check-in. |
Registration Data:
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Field name as specified in Console. |
value | string | Value entered by the user. |
label | string | Label presented to the customer. |
type | string | Type of field (e.g., 'input', 'checkbox'). |
placeholder | string | Optional placeholder text for input fields. |
validationRules | object | Contains 'required', 'regexp' for validation. |
Field | Type | Description |
type | string | Notification type (e.g., 'phoneNumber', 'email'). |
settings | object | Settings for the notification (detailed below). |
Notification Settings:
Field | Type | Description |
from | string | Internal use, typically not presented. |
to | string | Customer phone number in E.164 format. |
recipient | string | Customer email address. |
Field | Type | Description |
start | datetime | Start time of the booking, local timezone. |
end | datetime | End time of the booking, local timezone. |
appointment | object | Details of the appointment (detailed below). |
virtualAppointment | object | Virtual appointment details if applicable. |
Virtual Appointment:
Field | Type | Description |
displayName | string | Display name of the manager. |
eventId | string | ID of the event in the calendar. |
managerEmail | string | Email of the manager. |
managerId | string | ID of the manager from AD database. |
Served By:
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | User ID from the database. |
string | Email of the person who served. | |
firstName | string | First name (optional). |
lastName | string | Last name (optional). |
displayName | string | Full name (optional). |
Station Information:
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | Internal ID of the station. |
label | string | Label shown to customers and in the admin panel. |
labelPrefix | string | Prefix used for this ticket category. |
color | string | Color used to mark the ticket in the Console. |
Code Block |
{ "id": "_id_", "location": null, "type": "booking", "priority": 100, "locale": "en", "notification": { "type": "phoneNumber", "settings": { "from": "", "to": "+phoneNumber", "recipient": "test@email.com" }, }, "registrationData": { "phone": { value: "+48888888888" }, }, "booking": { "start": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", // with respect to timezone "end": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", // with respect to timezone "appointment": { displayName: "AlexeyJohn Khorev"Doe eventId: "****" managerEmail: "manager@ombori.com" managerId: "f31c6a56-........" }, "virtualAppointment": { eventId: "AAMkADExYWZmYjI4LTMxMjIt......=" isEnabled: true managerEmail: "virtual-booking@some-domen.com" managerId: "9cd376b6-......." url: "https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19....." } }, "servedBy": { id: "fc13d10c-.......", email: "manager@ombori.com", firstName: "", lastName: "" }, "station": { "id": "1234_id", "label": "A" }, "status": "draft", "label": "", // label will generated when time comes "queue": "_queue_id_", "createdAt": "2020-05-26T08:47:37.1700000Z", "calledAt": "2020-05-26T15:30:37.1700000Z", "fulfilledAt": "2020-05-26T17:15:59.6100000Z", "completedAt": "2020-05-26T17:16:59.6100000Z", "bookingReminderAt": null, "QRCodeCheckInPositionId": "{"type":"check-in-position","positionId":"ce4a66df-51ff-47af-bf5e-4e26f82d266b"}" } |