Prebooked Tickets - Omni Visit

Prebooked Tickets - Omni Visit

Tickets that were created by using the booking functionality have some differences in appearance and functionality.

  1. Prebooked tickets will show a confirmation page before entering the booking time slot.

    1. Confirmation page will show the exact date and time of the booking, and the number of people visiting under the ticket.

    2. You can reschedule your visit from the confirmation page.

    3. You can cancel your visit from the confirmation page.

  2. Once the ticket has entered the visitation time slot, you can no longer reschedule and cancel. If the option to auto-call tickets is enabled, this screen is not shown, and the visitor can proceed straight to check-in.

  3. Once you are called, the ticket will change its state. If the option to auto-check in tickets is enabled, this screen is not shown, and the customer can proceed straight to enter the premises.


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