Download latest Grid OS image file
Install VirtualBox
Create a new VM:
Type: Linux
Version: Ubuntu 64bit
HDD: at least 15Gb
RAM: at least 4Gb
System > Extended features > Enable EFI: enabled
Display > Enable 3d acceleration: enabled
Select grid-os image as a CD image file and boot the machine
The OS should boot and you’ll be asked if you want to continue installation, press ‘Continue’. The installation process should start.
After the installation is complete, press ‘Reboot’ button. The OS should reboot.
You’ll see a QR code printed in console, along with ‘Device is ONLINE but NOT PROVISIONED’ message.
Scan the QR code and in the opened web page create the compute device in Grid Console, selecting your installation.
alternatively, create the compute device manually, specifying serial number that is displayed above the QR code in the VM window.
Within a minute, the VM should change status to ‘Device is PROVISIONED’. That indicates that device is connected to the cloud and is downloading IoT modules.
Make sure your device has ‘GdmAgent’ and ‘Browser’ modules enabled.