Here you can find list of “skeletons” for email templates customization. Primaly we’re using Sendgrid, but examples below are valid for others systems.
Data format:
actionLink – link to present to customer, link depends on email type (see below)
type – to determine appropriate content in the dynamic template, one of values:
bookingConfirmation – Customer created booking
bookingReminder – Booking reminder for customer
bookingActivated – Booking is activate and is a queue ticket now
positionCancelled – staff removed future booking created by the customer
positionCalled – Position called by staff
positionRetry – staff pressed ‘Retry’ because customer did not show up
positionReject – staff pressed ‘Reject’ to remove ticket
position – ticket information, including dates, labels, language and more information that can be should be used in the template
Example of data:
{ "id": "_id_", "location": null, "type": "booking", "priority": 100, "notification": { "type": "phoneNumber", "settings": { "from": "", "to": "+phoneNumber" }, }, "booking": { "start": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", // with respect to timezone "end": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" // with respect to timezone }, "status": "draft", "label": "", // label will generated when time comes "queue": "_queue_id_", "createdAt": "2020-05-26T08:47:37.1700000Z", "fulfilledAt": "2020-05-26T17:15:59.6100000Z", "bookingReminderAt": null }