

Library - Installations

Here you will find an overview of your installations, from here you can edit name or delete. For further configuration you need to click a specific installation which will take you to that installations page.


Library - Environments

Deployment environments for installations and devices. Standard is just prod.
If you want to be able to publish content to a specific device inside an installation to test before publishing to all devices, create another environment “QA”, then set the device you want to publish to to QA.
When creating a new build select which environment to publish to.
Production devices should always use the Prod environment.


Library - Media

The media library is a file storage, you can upload a the media here that is to be used in your apps.
This media library is tenant specific and will only be accessible from apps within the same tenant.

Library - Devices

This is a global devices list for your tenant. It will show all devices connected to your tenant.