Linking managed browser to device

Linking managed browser to device

This page describes how to link managed browser to an IoT Edge Device.

A. Background

Last May 6, 2021, we released an update for http://console.omborigrid.com combining the Managed browsers and Compute devices tabs into a single tab called Devices.

For detailed information, please check the link: Grid Console Releases

B. What do you see when device and managed browser is unlinked?

  • Like the image below, instead of a single combined device for jovanni-nuc-device and jovanni-nuc-device-browser, you will see 2 separate devices.

  • Missing Screen tab in device page


C. What do you see when device and managed browser is linked?

  • When device and managed browsers are linked, you will only see the combined device like the jovanni-nuc-device

  • When device is linked to a managed browser, a Screen tab is visible


D. How to link managed browser to GridOS (IoT Edge) Device

  1. Go to Installations → Managed browsers

  2. On a managed browser card, click “Edit”

  3. A modal will show with Parent device field. Select the associated device as parent device. Usually, managed browser and parent device have the same name, or with some additional suffix “-browser” for managed browser.

  4. Click OK

  5. Verify. Go to Installation → Devices tab. You should only see the combined device like the jovanni-nuc-device. Moreover, you should be able to see the Screen tab in device page.

E. Impact on live production devices

  • Your production device should continue to work normally without interruption

  • Your device will NOT restart or NOT reboot

  • The update is on device internal caching, but it should not disrupt any existing process