Supervisor setup

Supervisor setup

For getting your app up and running, automatically pulling latest settings and updates we have supervisor. You can think about it as an additional abstract layer which will take care about things like caching media, rebooting browser module if needed and so one. For setting supervisor up and running you need:

  1. If it’s a new device you should already have attached browser module and link to supervisor at place. So you’re good to go, everything at place!

  2. If you want to do it manually \ check \ change something:
    Enable browser module and put supervisor url. Note: this url should be put there automatically. Example:


  3. On the app screen you can see QR code which shows that you need to register your app in supervisor infrastructure.

  4. After you get url from QR, register device’s browser (registration form is pretty simple)

  5. And that’s it! Now you can verify that you have new browser connected to the app. Browser will be moved alongside with device if device is moved. Also you can verify that you have the right picture on you device on device page:

Note: Unprovisioned status hers is incorrect. It’s a bug and we’re working on it.


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