Available methods
Available methods
Here are a few methods available for use (in <moduleName> <methodName> format):
<module> restart
Restart the module. Works for all modules. The module will be restarted after a certain interval, determined by edge runtime and based on how often the module was restarting recently.
GdmAgent ping
Return ‘pong’. Used to test if device is online and working properly.
GdmAgent reboot
Reboot the device
GdmAgent status
Return device telemetry.
Browser screenshot
Take a screenshot and upload it to an azure storage.
Mdns list
List all known grid-os peers.
Mdns ips
List device ip addresses
Relay on {relay: N}
Toggle a specified relay (value can be 1 or 2) on.
Relay off {relay: N}
Toggle a specified relay (value can be 1 or 2) on.
ThermalPrinter print {data: 'text to print'}
Print specified text. Data can be a string or an array of integer values (0..255) representing values of individual bytes in the message to be printed.