Curbside Text Communication Customization

Curbside Text Communication Customization

Each of the fields in the Curbside text customization area of the Virtual Queue console settings changes a specific text label in the app, letting you customize the text as it appears for the end-user.

Console Settings input sections in the pictures below are labeled by numbers, and below the Console screens, you will find screenshots of the actual app, with corresponding number labels, which will help you find your way around the settings.

In the following instructions, we will refer to several app screens (pages) that the user goes through in their journey:

  • Booked screen: once the user selects their timeslot for order pickup, they land on this screen. Once the booking enters its timeslot, it will automatically change the content to the ‘ready screen’, allowing the user to confirm their arrival.

  • Ready screen: once the pickup booking is close to its reserved timeslot, or has entered the reserved timeslot, the booking confirmation screen will automatically switch to this one. On this screen, the customer can confirm their arrival, letting the staff know they’re outside.

  • Handover screen: once the customer confirms their arrival, a match code is generated. Staff then knows they can bring the order outside, confirm the code, and confirm pickup.

  • Goodbye screen: once the staff confirms the code and hands over the order, the customer is greeted with a goodbye message.

  • Expired screen: if the timeslot expires, and customer doesn’t confirm their arrival, the ready screen will switch to this one automatically.

0. is a non customer facing text setting, it simply lets you change the language, and consequently, you can customize the labels for the chosen language.

  1. Identifier (default text: Identifier) appears in the Curbside pickup administrator app, when you select the manual link generator. The option itself lets you enter an ID for the order you’re creating the link for.

  2. Order status (default text: What bay are you parking in?) refers to the question asked to the user on the ready screen, usually referring to the parking slot they’re occupying.

  3. Thank you message (default text: Thank you for shopping with us. Have a safe journey.) is the main message that appears on the goodbye screen.

  4. Order status (default text: Tell us when you are parked outside) appears on the ready screen, and instructs the user to confirm their arrival.

  5. Order status (default text: There’s no need to phone us, we will bring your order out to you.) provides additional details to the confirmation instruction text on the ready screen.

  6. Order status (default text: I’m parked in the drive-through area) appears on the ready screen, and it changes the label of the confirmation button.

  7. Order status (default text: Your order status) changes the text label of the order status title on the handover and goodbye screens.

  8. Order status (default text: I need to reschedule) appears on the ready screen, and changes the label of the reschedule button.

  9. Order status info (default text: For safety reasons, please wait in your car. Thank you.) changes the text on the safety notice area of the handover screen.

  10. Order status (default text: Your order status) changes the label of the order status title on the booked, ready, and expired screens.

  11. Order status (default text: Preparing your order) changes the label of the order status description on the booked screen.

  12. Order status (default text: Order collected) changes the label of the order status description on the goodbye screen.

  13. Order status (default text: Bringing out your order) changes the label of the order status description on the handover screen.

  14. Order status expired (default text: Sorry, your order is expired) changes the title of the order expired disclaimer on the expired screen.

  15. Order status expired (default text: It is not possible to schedule a pickup. Please contact the store.) changes the description of the order expired disclaimer on the expired screen.

  16. Order status info (default text: We’ll let you know when the order is ready to collect) changes the content of the info notice in the bottom of the booked screen.

  17. Order status info (default text: Thanks! We know you are here. Your order will be with you soon.) changes the text of the notice area on the handover screen.

  18. Order status completed (default text: We hope to see you again soon!) changes the text of the notice area on the goodbye screen.